Conflict in the Church

Today i want to share with you what about conflict in the Church between brothers and sisters in Christ.
These last days i start to think about our relationship with each other.
Is there true love amount us?

Are we supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ or are we judging them?
Are we praying for each other everyday?

I think that all of us must repent of our ways to do things,we are all Child of God and sometimes we passed by the plan of God in our life.
We are always critics others,fight and judging in the Church.
There are jealousy,hypocrite,judgement in the body of Christ.
Did Christ ask us to live like that?

Having such thing in the body of Christ is that we are blocking the divine blessing of God in the in our own life,family and Church.
The Bible tell us:Bless are those who have pure heart for they will see God.
Do we really have a pure heart all the time?Be honest with ourselves.
Are we trying to ask God to deliver us from all this sin in our heart from the flesh,our all nature that we inherit from Adam and to reflect Christ who give his live to change us to his own image?

God say all sin are sin there are not small or big sin.
Jesus is coming soon,he is coming for a Church without stain,rite,fault.
We can say that we are not perfect,yes of course we are not perfect,but Christ will make us in him.
If we really repent of our state ,he will heal our land.
Look at the example of Enoch,Abraham,David,Paul,Job and all the example in the bible who was same
nature as us,but live for God and obey his words till the end.

Sometimes we says the this brother or sister break my heart,we stop going to Church and we can abandon
the Lord.
But brothers and sisters the Lord has forgive us,when we did not deserves his love,if we want to obey him,
we must forgive our brothers and sisters with all our heart,i know it will so hard but if we let the cross of the
Lord deal with our life it can be possible.

We have experience this one times in our life,when our heart have been broken into pieces,it really not easy
to support that pain,but what about God in that situation.
What God want to do in times of troubles and conflict?
All things word for our good.All things means everything that happen in our daily life good or bad situation.
I'm sure that God want to form us in this situation.
When there conflict in the church he want us to love,forgive,and let go.He want to manifest himself in us in
theses situation.

Church of Christ we must stop to fight with each other,the only enemy we have is the evil and the flesh in our life,with these we must fight.
We must be partner with the Lord to build the Church of Christ and not to destroy the Church of God.

Bible study:
1Corinthians 13:4-7;Peter 3:8-11;James 1:19-20;Matthew 5:38-42,Ephesians 4:26;
Colossians 3:13;Leviticus 19:18;John 13:34.

This is my encouragement for today,feel free to share with friends and to ask question.
