Firstly you can wake up with a very bad face,a bad attitude the first thing to do is drink
many water,go out and breath the good air,open the windows to renew the air.
Simply eat
The excess of nutrition leave traces and particularly food rich in fat.
So you must have a diet,my order word is to simply eat.
To make the choice of good sense,by eating very light and so many variety.
Forget the plate with so many fat and sauce to be able to rest you liver.
Make the privilege of raw vegetables or cook without sauce,fish and white meat grill.
To not eat cheese and rich dessert like ice cream.
And the diner at night very light.
No alcohol and more water
To not drink alcohol before the next party.Even you will be with
friends or family resist to the temptation.
You must drink plenty of water.
If you have drink too many alcohol and pain at the head will be here the
next morning.
The elimination of the alcohol in the organ can produce toxin.
These last can make you have nausea et headache.
Essential oil is a good friend in that situation.
2 drop of essential oil on a cup of coffee of honey can reduce the pain et made
the digest system more free.
To recharge your batterie
The excess of food and alcohol can make your organ in huge situation.
The vitamin B and the vitamin C will be more effectuated in the urina .
A cure of vitamin is recommand to replace the one lost .
The juice of fresh fruits and without sugar is good to take.
To take some rest and
some exercise also
Take rest to sleep early et know that sleep at 1p.m afternoon is good for health.
But if you have to go to the class exercise then do not stop.
But to keep the form its important to make a physical exercise regularly.
You don't want to go out and have a electronic bicycle at home
then you can use it in front of your window.
After that?
Then do not stop in the middle of the road,to start the year in good health.
Limit your level of alcohol and eat lightly every day.
We must eat varied and in good level,two to three portion of vegetables and
two to three fruits a day .
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