
Apostle Paul in Damas

Paul was a percecutor,he was percecuting christian.
And when God touch him and blind his eyes,he was in a time of darkness and cannot see anything.
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His example for us today,is that darkness who is blinding our eyes now a days.
God allow this in the life of Paul for his glory,and when he took off the blindness of his eyes he was completely change in a new creation and new person.

When God allows these thing in the life of Paul it was God who was talking to him personaly.
This example is for us nowadays,we christian when we start to pass in time of darkness we start to dought God promises,we think he leaves us.
But let me tell you that sometimes God allow darkness in uor life because he want to talk to us,he want to change us,he want to make something new in uor life.

Paul was a roman,a murderer,he kill many chrisitan but when God change him,he gave his heart and life to the Lord he became the Aposlte who Jesus gave him the big revelation.
His identity was in Christ.
That how the Lord want us to fixe our eyes on him even days are troubles,he want to use us for his glory.
