The importance of the return of Christ

The importance of the doctrine  of the returning of Christ.

Second Coming of Christ

1.What place does this doctrine have in the bible?

The answer to this question will give us the idea of the importance of God
Let see together in the old testament the half of many prophesy relative to
Jesus Christ to the glory of God and to his reign.
This is evident for the Jews  and the disciples themselves has capture only the message of the prophet:they was absolutely waiting to see the victorious messiah  who will establish the
kingdom of israel and deliver his people from the enemy.
Actes 1:6;Luke 24:21

Their only error on the point it is to not understand,the same prophesy,the Christ will be appear in his glory after having suffer on the cross,Luke 24:24-26.
To the new testament;we have calculated that 319 verse,that means 1 verse on 25
 is consecrate  to the return of Christ.We can confirm  the few doctrine biblical surpasses this one
Christ Foretold
2.What place did Jesus do in the return of his teaching?

He spoke longly  et frequently.It is noted here:
a) His great teaching concerning the end of times contain in
Mat 24 and 25;Marc 13;Luke 17 and 21.

b)Some teaching are conserve to the same subject:

  • Mat 13,13:47-50;Mat 25:1-13;Luke 19:12-27
  • Luke 18:1-8
  • Luke 13:23-30
Why is the message of the returning of Christ is so actual than ever?

So if we look of the state of the world we will see the confrontation  of humanity
and that have a bad dimension a the time of Noah.Mat 24:37-39
This is clear that some prophesy is accomplish nowadays.
As the bible has always announce  the fight becoming more and more
frightening and universal.
Jews are returning to the Palestine.
We are walking with high path  to the universal dictate,reserve for the
anti christ.
People can be blind to the see the actual situation look like the board that
the bible tell us about the end of times.

The world now look like more in trouble that it has been in other generation.
OH! between the difficult period where the worse tribulation will be on men,
the christ must be establish  and be fortified to be able to face  et experiment
His victory by the grace of God which has been given.

As christian who has remember the prophesy who promise them a better world,
the christian of the time of the end will lift their eyes to the sky and trust the Lord.

It how  that periodically ,into the dark age in the history,hope the return of Christ
 has come to give life to the heart of all christian.
They are encouraged  to continue to proclaim the gospel and to persevere to the end
even till the death.
Heb 11:32:40


The christian must not follow a teaching of the returning of christ only for the only cause to save from the actual world.They must open themselves to the revelation of the glorious return of
Christ as objective  to work for the salvation and the fear of God.
Secondly  to establish the kingdom of God in the church to preach the good news of the gospel
to the world.
John 17:14-20.
