To Hear the voice of God

When we hear the voice of the Lord and do nothing,we will not be able to receive
what God have for us.
When God talk and we not obey is disobeying and not living the word of the
Lord we will lose.

When God made men he gave him a choice if he touch the fruits that he tell him not to
touch he will be dead.Dead means separated from God.
But Adam did not obey the Lord he disobey and sin has enter in men.

We must return with a real repentance of our nature of sin.
We must walk with God with repentance and obedience in our heart.
When God speak we must react.
Our disobedience can late us to enter the plan of God.

We must open our heart for the Lord to come.
God want to speak to our heart today,God is a God of justice and miserable but
is very severe in his judgment.

We must turn our back to this world and look to the Lord.
Sometimes we can stand on our position and not have the fear of the Lord.

When you died do you have the assurance where you are going?

To be a christian and live a life for ourselves is not a christian life.
We cannot be a christian and still live in sin.
God want to assure us to continue this race with him and enter the kingdom.
That why christian still turn around in the desert like the nation of Israel when God deliver them in Egypt
they complain again God and disobey  him by making a false God.They said that their life was good in Egypt
and want to return there.
Sometime we christian we are same like the Israel nation we want to go to the world and look all the beautiful there and not want to enter the promise land.
Not obey God  can make many consequences in our life.

When we obey God we obtain favor from the Lord to walk from progress to progress,to victory in victory.
To have the grace of the Lord my life must reflect the Christ.
Stop to gouvern our own life,our job,our home,but to have the guaranty where we are going after dead.

By obeying and have a given life to the Lord,we will become a blessing for our family,
and all those around us.
Not obey we will be dry,not life in us.
Stop to play with our soul.
The truth will set us free.

Bible study:
Roman 5:7;Ex 32:9,1 Sam 8:19;Jeremy 32:33;44:16;
Es 59;Act 7:51;Luke 5:4;

Where are we going after dead,and in what race are we?
Time are serious brothers and sisters,not joke the Lord is going.


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