Love Yourself As God Created You

Everyone of us want to be beautiful,want to be admire,to be prefect.
People are spending million of million of money to make them more attractive.
We want to be like celebrities,to be top model,we made modification on our body,
and try to be someone else.
These thing are our human nature,we don't like our hair,our nose,ears,our colors,etc.....

But what God say about this?
What was in the heart of God when he created us.?
Let look what the bible tell us in Genesis 1:27
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 
This verse show us that we are created in the image of God.
Sometimes men want to be like women and women want to be like men.

What the bible said about it?

Matthew 19:4

Jesus answered, "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female.

How God has created us,we must love ourselves as we are.

All these verse show us that we are all beautiful and wonderful creation.
Even if God created you black or white,African,French,English,Indian,etc....
All nation of the earth we are all creation of God.
We are all beautiful,wonderful and marvelous.
Instead of complaining before God,just praise him because we are beautifully maid.

Stop to try to be someone else,love yourself as God created you.
Even you are big or thin,small or long,just praise him,because he loves us so much.

Stop to spend a lot of money to modified yourself.
Take care of yourself,eat healthy food,do exercise and be free to love yourself.
Most of All be Happy!!!!!!
